Monday, March 12, 2012

What is this crap?

Hello there, folks!

So, since I have nothing better to do, I decided to liveblog Grey's Anatomy from the very first episode. Perhaps I should explain...

One night last week, the mother and I were watching tv, and she was all 'OOOOH, GREY'S ANATOMY IS ON'. And I was all 'noooooooo...' but I couldn't complain because I drive her car to work and my mother's wrath makes grown men who ride motorcycles without helmets weep.

So, we were watching Grey's Anatomy. And where I had at first found the show to be annoying and stupid, I now found it to be... funny. Unintentionally funny. So, this here blog is a little experiment to find out exactly how much joy I can derive from my new-found outlook on this show. And maybe you'll like it too, so that's a plus.

How jazzed was I to find out that Grey's Anatomy is totally on Netflix Instant Watch? Jazz hands jazzed.

(Where are Blondie's shoelaces? lolol) Alright, let's do this.

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